Thursday, November 28, 2019

De-Stalinization Essays - Nikita Khrushchev,

De-Stalinization Although many of his ideas did not bring the expected results, Nikita Khrushchev policies of de-Stalinization were politically wise. He went against many of Stalin's tyrannical policies and gave the people a much greater sense of freedom. In the process known as "de-Stalinization", legal procedures were restored, some greater degree of meaningful public controversy was permitted, forced labor camps were closed and the secret police tactics of Stalin's era were erased. Stalin's method of personal rule was replaced by group rule and more orderly processes of government, the terror apparatus was largely dismantled, the economy was notably modernized and foreign policy was conducted with much greater diplomatic initiative and flexibility. There was free political discussion, a standard forty-hour work week where people were free to change jobs, better government planning on production, and eased travel restrictions over the "Iron Curtain". In the process of de-Stalinization the cities that were once named in honor of Stalin were given new names or returned to their old names1. The statues and pictures of Stalin were destroyed and letters were sent to families of those who were killed in battle, which criticized Stalin's weak leadership during the time of the war. Stalin's grave was vandalized during this process, and Khrushchev gained approval from the West. These policies were used to erase the past and ease the minds of those who suffered under the dictator2. Khrushchev worked to denounce his former leaders doings and clean up the image of the nation on a worldwide scale. Khrushchev worked hard to be agreeable with the majority of people he ruled. He sought to contrast his own present policies with the extremities of Stalinism, and therefore restore public confidence in the Soviet system.3 Perhaps the most notable example of de-Stalinization was where Khrushchev denounced Stalin and criticized the dictator along with those who agreed with his views. These views which murdered so many Russian Citizens. At the 20th All-Union Party Congress (1956) where Khrushchev delivered a "secret" report on "The Personality Cult and Its Consequences," bitterly denouncing the rule, policies, and personality of Stalin.4 The speech was supposedly kept a secret so that the Capitalist media would not receive word of it and gain an edge over the Communists if they knew of the problems occurring within the party. Khrushchev accused Stalin of being responsible for mass murders and deportations, the German invasion during World War II (1939-1945), and the USSR's break with Yugoslavia. During this period the public was given a say in the government, even though an extremely minor one, and the judicial system eased it's aggressiveness allowing a defendant a better chance of defending themselves. This was called The Associates Credit Card ServicesThe Associates Credit Card Services thaw, which meant the relaxation of police terror, the release of hundreds of thousands from labor camps, and the relaxation of censorship. A new policy of economy was brought in known as "New Course". Khrushchev concerned himself with bettering the troubles of the individual, attempting to increase the supply of food and making goods such as home appliances, making automobiles somewhat available, and providing more housing. A new policy of efficiency and quality control was brought in. Leadership was somewhat decentralized to allow common managers and directors more power to run their production units. It helped to balance the agriculture and increase food production so there were less food shortages. Machine and Tractor Stations (MTSs) were set up in the countryside with skilled mechanics employed to provide and service agricultural machinery. The districts were allowed to decide on what crops to plant and when, rather than being directed from the center. Quotas for compulsory sale to the state were eased. Thousands of young people and Party workers were dispatched as labor and supervisory personnel to do the job. Also Khrushchev initiated the Virgin Lands Program in 1953, introducing intensive irrigation to increase arable land and thus raise food production bringing into cultivation 32 million acres of previously uncultivated land in Kazakhstan and southwestern Siberia. 85,000,000 additional acres of land were under cultivation by 1956.. All these measures were identified with Khrushchev, who evidently took over agricultural policy from Malenkov in September 1953. In January 1955 Khrushchev demanded that around seventy million acres be planted in corn for fodder in order to increase livestock production. The resulting cornfields, on flat and hilly country, in cold and warm regions, earned him the nickname of kukuruzchik (''the corn enthusiast''). Soil erosion and unpredictable weather wiped out whole harvests, and by the mid-1960s sandstorms became a serious problem. Despite everything, the project of expanding agriculture into the

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Strength of Love essays

The Strength of Love essays The Bicycle Thief is considered a masterpiece Neorealist film that incorporates a unique relationship between father and son. Antonio Ricci, the father, and Bruno, the son, grow to depend on each other throughout the film. The intense search for Riccis stolen bicycle in war torn Italy provides the foreground for which this relationship develops. In The Bicycle Thief the strong relationship between Ricci and Bruno provides the foundational theme of faith and hope for the future. The love Ricci has for his son can be seen in the beginning of the movie when he accepts a job for man who has a bicycle. Ricci no longer has a bicycle because he pawned it in a pervious attempt to acquire money in order support his family. Ricci simply accepts the job because he is desperate for work and desperate to support his son and wife. This time it means pawning the familys cotton sheets in order for Ricci to get enough money to buy a bicycle. This shows that Ricci will do what ever it takes to support his son and wife. The idea that jobs are so rare shows the grave and extreme economic situation that Italy has sunk into following the post war period. For a child like Bruno to grow up in this period of history he needs the dependence of a strong father figure. In many cases throughout the film Ricci shows a strong side such as accepting a job with out the proper transportation. It is clear that Ricci will do whatever it takes to provide for his family. On Riccis first day of work Bruno is just as excited as the father. Bruno gets up early to see his father off to work. Bruno and Ricci have a bond that is based around the bicycle. When they have the bicycle in their possession, Bruno is the one who takes care of the bike while Ricci is the one who rides the bike. On first day of work Bruno dresses identical to what Ricci is wearing for a uniform. This shows that Bruno wants to be just like his father. Bruno wants...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

To what Extent did the Rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada (1837) Essay

To what Extent did the Rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada (1837) Lead to Canada's Responsible Government in 1867 - Essay Example The aim of this paper is to look at Canada’s experience with responsible government during 1867 and look at the known, possible driving forces behind the implementation of the responsible government, namely the Durham report and the American influence, and provide arguments as to which one mainly affected or drove the implementation of responsible government. These topics will be discussed in detail as follows: Lord Durham’s report and how it was responsible for Canada’s responsible government The American influence that was responsible for Canada’s responsible government Conclusion and breakdown Lord Durham’s report and how it was responsible for Canada’s responsible government According to, John George Lambton was the first earl of Durham. He was also known as â€Å"Radical Jack† because of his support of certain causes by the Whig party in England. Some of these causes created quite a stir back in those times such a s free trade. He was sent to be a Governor General in British North America in 1838. This was done, according to the same article above in order to â€Å"investigate the circumstances of the rebellions of 1837 in Upper and Lower Canada and to make recommendations for the future government of the British North American colonies.† He was the person that created the Durham report which is now believed to have been one of the driving forces behind Canada’s responsible government of 1867. The main purpose of this report was to assess the situation in British North America and the local conditions. This report made several recommendations such as the unification of Upper and Lower Canada and the proposal of responsible government. One other recommendation includes the establishment of local municipalities in Canada. Some saw these recommendations as great advancements and key efforts in making a better Canada while others, specifically in Lower Canada regarded Lambton as a r acist for his suggestion to assimilate the French Canadians. We can consider this report to have been one of the best driving forces for responsible government because based on observation, the idea of implementing a responsible government was not something agreeable to the British, because, like the paper stated â€Å"Great Britain could not quite bring itself to implement responsible government in the colonies†. But despite this, the Union act of 1840 was created and Canada was united. The American influence that was responsible for Canada’s responsible government Around 2 years before the establishment of the responsible government of Canada in 1867, America was putting and end to its civil war. The actions taken by America at that time were also considered to be a major influence to the establishment of Canada’s responsible government; in fact some consider it more of an influence than the Durham report. Based on the information given, the Durham report sugg ested that Canada be unified and that they establish responsible government, however the British did not agree to the later suggestion but followed through on the unification of Canada. After seeing that America won against one of Canada’s major colonizers, their now unified country may have taken this as a queue point to establish responsible government for a few reasons; one being a show of defiance to England, another maybe in support of America and